Recite ON TV

by Yusuf Estes

  • $17,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $6,880.00

    Funds Raised
  • 9

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $10000
, United States (US)

Yusuf Estes

7 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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It’s BACK! Recite On TV is back and we’re so Proud to Announce the return of Our BELOVED TV Series “Recite On TV” Where YOU Recite, With US, ON TV!!

Kids- Grab MOM AND DAD and Go to and upload YOUR Videos Reciting The Quran and TELL ALL YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS to Go and LIKE & SHARE! Starting The 1st of Dhul Qaidah RECITE ON TV CONTEST STARTS! YAY! Winners will be announced on the day of Eid Al Adha!

Sponsors! Mom and Dad! Recite On TV Show has one purpose- to make our kids excited about reading the book of Allah. Learning and applying the Quran in the hearts of our next generation. Reading just one letter carries 10 hasanat imagine how many hasanat we can get for each letter these youngsters read! With the permission of Allah and YOUR support- we want to bring Recite On TV Full swing starting with a 2021 contest! Support NOW and get your Rewards With Allah (Insha Allah!). Your Donations are 100% tax Deductible and helping to provide educational value for our Beloved Muslim Children.

As with All TV Production, we have costs and We need YOUR Help to keep the Dawah going! Please Sponsor what you can and make sure to SHARE! Our cost of producing the show and monthly broadcast fees:

Broadcast Costs and fees: $10,000

Gifts and Prizes: $2,000

Production: $3,000

IT and Network: $2,000

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